Tuesday, August 29, 2017


It has been over a week since our family started our journey towards minimalism and sustainability.

What an eye opening journey it has been!

I have learned more about the impact of plastic on the earth and animals.
Check out "A Plastic Ocean" on Netflix. Heartbreaking!!

I realised that I have a spending habit that needed to be broken.
After going on a spending spree at Lush, I realised I couldn't keep buying new things because our journey is towards sustainability AND minimalism. This has led me to look around the house and use what we have. It means I am mixing and matching, but it also means that my wallet is happy and we aren't surrounded by more "stuff"!

I have become really good at using the food in my pantry and whipping things up from scratch. Sometimes they turn out kind of funny, but most times they are delish! It's been a fun creative outlet that I wasn't expecting!

I'm excited to share a bit more about what exactly we did to start our journey. That will be in a future blog post.

If you are interested in following our journey, please go to our Instagram page @mindfullivingnz.

Thursday, August 17, 2017



That is what our family currently lives for. What I live for.

Convenience comes with a price. One that I am no longer willing to pay. One that I am no longer wanting the earth to pay for.

Our family of six, consumes A LOT. We have a wheelie bin that we easily fill every week.

I really want to jump in and go zero waste! At the same time, I have no idea what I am getting myself in for, how challenging it is going to be etc.

I just feel like I have had an awakening and I am super exciting about making changes. At the same time, I am scared I'm going to fall flat on my face.

Baby steps, baby steps.....breathe!

My plan of attack this week:
  • Go through our kitchen bin (where most of the rubbish comes from) and see where our rubbish is coming from. (DONE)
  • Start composting. (DONE)
  • Shop at the bulk bins. (DONE)
  • Collect and put bags in the car for shopping. (DONE!)
Wish me luck!